Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Methods for Measuring National Income

We have so far been concerned with microeconomic aspects of managerial economics. This chapter onwards, we will deal with macroeconomic aspects of managerial economics. The major aspects of macroeconomics that are generally used in business analysis, especially in analyzing and understanding business environment of the country include (i) the level and trends in national income, (ii) factors determining national income, (iii) factors and forces leading to business cycles, (iv) the trend in general lend of price, especially inflation, (v) international economic aspects, and (vi) government policies, especially fiscal and monetary policies.In this chapter, we will discuss the meaning and methods of measuring national income and the methods of measuring national income in India.10. 1 UNIT OBJECTIVESTo define national income and its importance To discuss various methods of measuring national income To describe the methods used in India for measuring national income To show the growth and trends in national income of India.10. 2 DEFINITION OF NATIONAL INCOMENational income is the final outcome of all economic activities of a nation valued in terms of money. National income is the most important macroeconomic variable and determinant of the business level and environment of a country. The level of national income determines the level of aggregate demand for goods and services. Its distribution pattern determines the pattern of demand for goods and services, i. e. , how much of which good is demanded. The trend in national income determines the trends in aggregate demand, i. e. , the demand for the goods and services, and also the business prospects. Therefore, business decision makers need to keep in mind these aspects of the national income, especially those having long-run implications.National income or a relevant component of it is an indispensable variable considered in demand forecasting. Conceptually, national income is the money value of the end result of all economic activities of the nation. Economic activities generate a large number of goods and services, and make net addition to the national stock of capital. These together constitute the national income of a ‘closed economy’—an economy which has no economic transactions with the rest of the world. In an ‘open economy’, national income includes also the net results of its transactions with the rest of the world (i. e.  , exports less imports).Economic activities should be distinguished from the non-economic activities from a national point of view. Broadly speaking, economic activities include all human activities which create goods and services that can be valued at market price. Economic activities include production by farmers (whether for household consumption or for market), production by firms in the industrial sector, production of goods and services by the government enterprises, and services produced by business intermediaries (wholesaler s and retailers), banks and other financial organizations, universities, colleges and  hospitals, etc.On the other hand, non-economic activities are those which produce goods and services that do not have any economic value. Non-economic activities include spiritual, psychological, social and political services. The non-economic category of activities also includes hobbies, service to self, services of housewives, services of members of family to other members and exchange of mutual services between neighbours. We have defined national income from the angle of product flows. The same can be defined in terms of money flows.While economic activities generate flow of goods and services, on the one hand, they generate money flows, on the other, in the form of factor payments—wages, interest, rent, profits, and earnings of self-employed. Thus, national income may also be obtained by adding the factor earnings and adjusting the sum for indirect taxes and subsidies. The national i ncome thus obtained is known as national income at factor cost. It is related to money income flows. The concept of national income is linked to the society as a whole. It differs fundamentally from the concept of private income.Conceptually, national income refers to the money value of the entire final goods and services resulting from all economic activities of the country. This is not true of private income. Also from the calculation point of view, there are certain receipts of money or of services and goods that are not ordinarily included in private incomes but are included in the national incomes, and vice versa. National income includes, for example, employer's contribution to the social security and welfare funds for the benefit of employees, profits of public enterprises, and services of owner occupied houses.But it excludes the interest on war-loans, social security benefits and pensions. There items are, however, included in the private incomes. The national income is, th erefore, not merely an aggregation of the private incomes. One can however obtain an estimate of national income by summing up the private incomes after making necessary adjustments for the items excluded from the national income.10. 3 MEASURES OF NATIONAL INCOME10. 3. 1 Gross National Product (GNP)Of the various measures of national income used in national income analysis, GNP is the most important and widely used measure of national income. It is the most comprehensive measure of the nation’s productive activities. The GNP is defined as the value of all final goods and services produced during a specific period, usually one year, plus incomes earned abroad by the nationals minus incomes earned locally by the foreigners. The GNP so defined is identical to the concept of gross national income (GNI). Thus, GNP = GNI. The difference between the two is only of procedural nature.While GNP is estimated on the basis of product-flows, the GNI is estimated on the basis of money incom e flows, (i. e. , wages, profits, rent, interest, etc. ).NOTES 10. 3. 2 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced in the domestic economy during a period of one year, plus income earned locally by the foreigners minus incomes earned abroad by the nationals. The concept of GDP is similar to that of GNP with a significant procedural difference.In case of GNP the incomes earned by the nationals in foreign countries are added and incomes earned locally by the foreigners are deducted from the market value of domestically produced goods and services. In case of GDP, the process is reverse – incomes earned locally by foreigners are added and incomes earned abroad by the nationals are deducted from the total value of domestically produced goods and services.10. 3. 3 Net National Product (NNP)NNP is defined as GNP less depreciation, i. e. , NNP = GNP – Depreciation Depreciation is that pa rt of total productive assets which is used to  replace the capital worn out in the process of creating GNP. Briefly speaking, in the process of producing goods and services (including capital goods), a part of total stock of capital is used up. ‘Depreciation’ is the term used to denote the worn out or used up capital. An estimated value of depreciation is deducted from the GNP to arrive at NNP. The NNP, as defined above, gives the measure of net output available for consumption and investment by the society (including consumers, producers and the government). NNP is the real measure of the national income.NNP = NNI (net national income). In other words, NNP is the same as the national income at factor cost. It should be noted that NNP is measured at market prices including direct taxes. Indirect taxes are, however, not a point of actual cost of production. Therefore, to obtain real national income, indirect taxes are deducted from the NNP. Thus, NNP–indirect t axes = National Income.10. 3. 4 National Income:Some Accounting Relationships (a) Accounting Indentities at Market Price GNP ? GNI (Gross National Income) GDP ? GNP less Net Income from Abroad  NNP ? GNP less Depreciation NDP (Net Domestic Product) ? NNP less net income from abroad (b) Some Accounting Indentities at Factor Cost GNP at factor cost ? GNP at market price less net indirect taxes Check Your Progress 1. How is national income defined? 2. What are the measures of national income? 3. What is the difference between GNP and GDP? 4. What is meant by NNP? NNP at factor factor factor factor cost ? NNP at market price less net indirect taxes  cost ? NNP at market price less net income from abroad cost ? NDP at market price less net indirect taxes cost ? GDP at market price less Depreciation NOTES10. 4 METHODS OF MEASURING NATIONAL INCOMEFor measuring national income, the economy through which people participate in economic activities, earn their livelihood, produce goods and services and share the national products is viewed from three different angles. (1) The national economy is considered as an aggregate of producing units combining different sectors such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, trade and commerce, etc.(2) The whole national economy is viewed as a combination of individuals and households owning different kinds of factors of production which they use themselves or sell factor-services to make their livelihood. (3) The national economy may also be viewed as a collection of consuming, saving and investing units (individuals, households and government). Following these notions of a national economy, national income may be measured by three different corresponding methods: (1) Net product method—when the entire national economy is considered as an aggregate of producing units;(2) Factor-income method—when national economy is considered as combination of factor-owners and users; (3) Expenditure method—when national econ omy is viewed as a collection of spending units. The procedures which are followed in measuring the national income in a closed economy—an economy which has no economic transactions with the rest of the world—are briefly described here. The measurement of national income in an open economy and adjustment with regard to income from abroad will be discussed subsequently. 10. 4. 1 Net Output or Value-Added Method The net output method is also called the value added method.In its standard form, this method consists of three stages: â€Å"(i) estimating the gross value of domestic output in the various branches of production; (ii) determining the cost of material and services used and also the depreciation of physical assets; and (iii) deducting these costs and depreciation from gross value to obtain the net value of domestic output†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The net value of domestic product thus obtained is often called the value added or income product which is equal to the sum of wages, salaries, supplementary labour incomes, interest, profits, and net rent paid or accrued. Let us now describe the stages (i) and (ii) in some detail.Measuring Gross Value. For measuring the gross value of domestic product, output is classified under various categories on the basis of the nature of activities from which they originate. The output classification varies from country to country depending on (i) the nature of domestic activities; (ii) their significance in aggregate economic activities, and (iii) availability of requisite data. For example, in the US, about seventy-one divisions and subdivisions are used to classify the national output; in Canada and the Netherlands, classification ranges from a dozen to a score; and in Russia, only half a dozen divisions are used.According to the CSO publication, fifteen sub-categories are currently used in India. 300 Self-Instructional Material After the output is classified under the various categories, the value of gross output is computed in two alternative ways: (i) by multiplying the output of each category of sector by their respective market price and adding them together, or (ii) by collective data about the gross sales and changes in inventories from the account of the manufacturing enterprises and computing the value of GDP on the basis thereof.If there are gaps in data, some estimates are made thereof and gaps are filled. Estimating Cost of Production. The next step in estimating the net national product is to estimate the cost of production including depreciation. Estimating cost of production is, however, a relatively more complicated and difficult task because of nonavailability of adequate and requisite data. Much more difficult is the task of estimating depreciation since it involves both conceptual and statistical problems.For this reason, many countries adopt factor-income method for estimating their national income. However, countries adopting net-product method find some ways and means t o calculate the deductible cost. The costs are estimated either in absolute terms (where input data are adequately available) or as an overall ratio of input to the total output. The general practice in estimating depreciation is to follow the usual business practice of depreciation accounting. Traditionally, depreciation is calculated at some percentage of capital, permissible under the tax-laws.In some estimates of national income, the estimators have deviated from the traditional practice and have instead estimated depreciation as some ratio of the current output of final goods. Following a suitable method, deductible costs including depreciation are estimated for each sector. The cost estimates are then deducted from the sectoral gross output to obtain the net sectoral products. The net sectoral products are then added together. The total thus obtained is taken to be the measure of net national products or national income by net product method.10. 4. 2 Factor-Income MethodThis m ethod is also known as income method and factor-share method. Under this method, the national income is calculated by adding up all the â€Å"incomes accruing to the basic factors of production used in producing the national product†. Factors of production are conventionally classified as land, labour, capital and organization. Accordingly, the national income equals the sum of the corresponding factor earning. Thus, National income = Rent + Wages + Interest + ProfitHowever, in a modern economy, it is conceptually very difficult to make a distinction between earnings from land and capital, on the one hand, and between the earnings from ordinary labour and entrepreneurial functions, on the other. For the purpose of estimating national income, therefore, factors of production are broadly grouped as labour and capital. Accordingly, national income is supposed to originate from two primary factors, viz. , labour and capital. In some activities, however, labour and capital are joi ntly supplied and it is difficult to separate the labour and capital contents from the total earnings of the supplier.Such incomes are termed as mixed incomes. Thus, the total factor-incomes are grouped under three categories: (i) labour incomes; (ii) capital incomes; and (iii) mixed incomes. Labour Incomes. Labour incomes included in the national income have three components: (a) wages and salaries paid to the residents of the country including bonus and commission, and social security payments; (b) supplementary labour incomes including employer’s contribution to social security and employee’s welfare funds, and direct pension payments to retired employees2; (c) supplementary labour incomes in kind, e.  g. , free health and education, food and clothing, and accommodation, etc.Compensations in kind in the form of domestic servants and such other free-of-cost services provided to the employees are included in labour income. War bonuses, pensions, service grants are n ot included in labour income as they are regarded as ‘transfer payments’. Certain other categories of income, e. g. , incomes from incidental jobs, gratuities, tips etc. , are ignored for lack of data.Capital Incomes. capital earnings:NOTESAccording to Studenski, capital incomes include the following (a) dividends excluding inter-corporate dividends; (b) undistributed before-tax profits of corporations; (c) interest on bonds, mortgages, and saving deposits (excluding interests on war bonds, and on consumer-credit); (d) interest earned by insurance companies and credited to the insurance policy reserves; (e) net interest paid out by commercial banks; (f) net rents from land, buildings, etc. , including imputed net rents on owneroccupied dwellings; (g) royalties; and (h) profits of government enterprises.The data for the first two items are obtained mostly from the firms' accounts submitted for taxation purposes. But the definition of profit for national accounting purpos es differs from that employed by taxation authorities. Some adjustments in the income tax data become, therefore, necessary. The data adjustments generally pertain to (i) excessive allowance of depreciation made by the firms; (ii) elimination of capital gains and losses since these do not reflect the changes in current income; and (iii) elimination of under or over-valuation of inventories on book-value.Mixed Income. Mixed incomes include earnings from (a) farming enterprises, (b) sole proprietorship (not included under profit or capital income); and (c) other professions, e. g. , legal and medical practices, consultancy services, trading and transporting etc. This category also includes the incomes of those who earn their living through various sources as wages, rent on own property, interest on own capital, etc. All the three kinds of incomes, viz. , labour incomes, capital incomes and mixed incomes added together give the measure of national income by factor-income method.10. 4. 3 Expenditure MethodThe expenditure method, also known as final product method, measures national income at the final expenditure stages. In estimating the total national expenditure, any of the two following methods are followed: first, all the money expenditures at market price are computed and added up together, and second, the value of all the products finally disposed of are computed and added up, to arrive at the total national expenditure.The items of expenditure which are taken into account under the first method are (a) private consumption expenditure; (b) direct tax payments; (c) payments to the non-profitmaking institutions and charitable organizations like schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc. ; and (d) private savings. Under the second method, the following items are considered: (a) private consumer goods and services; (b) private investment goods; (c) public goods and services; and (d) net investment abroad. The second method is more extensively used because the data re quired in this method can be collected with greater ease and accuracy.Treatment of Net Income from Abroad.We have so far discussed methods of measuring national income of a ‘closed economy’. But most economies are open in the sense that they carry out foreign trade in goods and services and financial transactions with the rest of the world. In the process, some nations get net income through foreign trade while some lose their income to foreigners. The net earnings or loss in foreign trade affects the national income. In measuring the national income, therefore, the net  result of external transactions are adjusted to the total.Net incomes from abroad are added to, and net losses to the foreigners are deducted from the total national income arrived at through any of the above three methods. Briefly, speaking, all exports of merchandise and of services like shipping, insurance, banking, tourism, and gifts are added to the national income. And, all the imports of the co rresponding items are deducted from the value of national output to arrive at the approximate measure of national income. To this is added the net income from foreign investment.These adjustments for international transactions are based on the international balance of payments of the nations.10. 5 CHOICE OF METHODSAs discussed above, there are three standard methods of measuring the national income, viz. , net product (or value added) method, factor-income or factor cost method and expenditure method. All the three methods would give the same measure of national income, provided requisite data for each method is adequately available. Therefore, any of the three methods may be adopted to measure the national income.But all the three methods are not suitable for all the economies simply for non-availability of necessary data and for all purposes. Hence, the question of choice of method arises. The two main considerations on the basis of which a particular method is chosen are: (i) the purpose of national income analysis, and (ii) availability of necessary data. If the objective is to analyse the net output or value added, the net output method is more suitable. In case the objective is to analyse the factor-income distribution, the suitable method for measuring national income is the income method.If the objective at hand is to find out the expenditure pattern of the national income, the expenditure or final products method should be applied. However, availability of adequate and appropriate data is a relatively more important consideration is selecting a method of estimating national income. Nevertheless, the most common method is the net product method because: (i) this method requires classification of the economic activities and output thereof which is much easier than to classify income or expenditure; and (ii) the most common practice is to collect and organize the national income data by the division of economic activities.Briefly speaking, the easy avail ability of data on economic activities is the main reason for the popularity of the output method. It should be however borne in mind that no single method can give an accurate measure of national income since the statistical system of no country provides the total data requirements for a particular method. The usual practice is, therefore, to combine two or more methods to measure the national income. The combination of methods again depends on the nature of data required and sectoral break-up of the available data.10. 6 MEASUREMENT OF NATIONAL INCOME IN INDIACheck Your Progress In India, a systematic measurement of national income was first attempted in 1949. Earlier, many attempts were made by some individuals and institutions. The earliest estimate of India’s national income was made by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1867–68. Since then many attempts were made, mostly by the economists and the government authorities, to estimate India’s national income3. These estimate s differ in coverage, concepts and methodology and are not comparable.Besides, earlier estimates were mostly for one year, only some estimates covered a period of 3 to 4 years. It was therefore not possible to construct a consistent series of national income and assess the performance of the economy over a period of time. 5. What are the methods of measuring national income? 6. What is value-added method? 7. What is factor-income method of measuring national income? 8. How is income from abroad adjusted in national income?In 1949, A National Income Committee (NIC) was appointed with P. C. Mahalanobis as its Chairman, and D. R. Gadgil and V. K. R. V. Rao as members. The NIC not only highlighted the limitations of the statistical system of that time but also suggested ways and means to improve data collection systems. On the recommendation of the Committee, the Directorate of National Sample Survey was set up to collect additional data required for estimating national income. Besides, the NIC estimated the country’s national income for the period from 1948–49 to 1950–52.In its estimates, the NIC also provided the methodology for estimating national income, which was followed till 1967. In 1967, the task of estimating national income was given to the Central Statistical Organization (CSO). Till 1967, the CSO had followed the methodology laid down by the NIC. Thereafter, the CSO adopted a relatively improved methodology and procedure which had become possible due to increased availability of data. The improvements pertain mainly to the industrial classification of the activities. The CSO publishes its estimates in its publication, Estimates of National Income.Methodology used in India Currently, net output and factor income methods are used by the CSO to estimate the national income of the country. The output method is used for agriculture and manufacturing sectors, i. e. , the commodity producing sectors. For these sectors, the value added me thod is adopted. Income method is used for the service sectors including trade, commerce, transport and government services. In its conventional series of national income statistics from 1950-51 to 1966-67, the CSO had categorized the income in 13 sectors.But, in the revised series, it had adopted the following 15 break-ups of the national economy for estimating the national income; (i) Agriculture; (ii) Forestry and logging; (iii) Fishing; (iv) Mining and quarrying; (v) Large-scale manufacturing; (vi) Small-scale manufacturing; (vii) Construction; (viii) Electricity, gas and water supply; (ix) Transport and communication; (xii) Real estate and dwellings; (xiii) Public Administration and Defence; (xiv) Other services; and (xv) External transactions. The national income is estimated at both constant and current prices. 10.7 SUMMARY National income is the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country over a period of time, generally one year. In general, there are three important measures of national income, viz. , (i) GNP, (ii) GDP, and (iii) NNP. In measuring GNP, income earned abroad by the nationals is added and income earned by foreigners in the country is subtracted from national income estimates; on the contrary, a reverse process is used in estimating GDP. NNP is defined as GNP–Depreciation. Depreciation equals the loss of national capital in the process of production.There are three methods of measuring national income: (i) Value-added method, (ii) factor-income method, and (iii) expenditure method. The choice of method depends on the availability of data required for estimating national income. Often two or all the three methods are combined to estimate national income. In India, an organisation called CSO estimates the national income. It uses net output and factor income method for estimating national income. 304 Self-Instructional Material10. 8 ANSWERS TO ‘CHECK YOUR PROGRESS’1.National income is defined as t he market value of all final goods and services produced during a period of time, usually one year.2. In general, three measures of national income are used in economic and business anaylsis: (i) GNP, (ii) GDP, and (iii) NNP.3. The difference between GNP and GDP lies in the treatment of income earned abroad by nationals and income earned by foreigner in the domestic economy. In measuring GNP, income abroad by nationals is added and income earned by foreigners in the country is deducted from the value estimated. In case of GDP, a reverse process is used.4. NNP means GNP less depreciation, i. e. , the value of national capital lost in the process national production.5. There are three methods of measuring national income: (i) net product or value added method, (ii) factor income method, and (iii) expenditure method.6. Under value-added method, first gross value of national product is estimated. Then costs of material and services also depreciation are estimated. These costs are deduct ed from the gross value to arrive at national income.7. In general, factor income method follows the principle that national income = wages + rent + interest + profit. For estimating national income, however, factor incomes are classified as (i) labour income, (ii) capital income, and (iii) mixed income.8. The adjustment of income earned abroad depends on GNP and GDP estimation. In case of GNP, income earned abroad by the citizens of a country is added to the gross value. But in case of GDP, this is deducted from the gross value.10. 9 EXERCISES AND QUESTIONS1. What is the relevance of national income statistics in business decisions?  What kinds of business decisions are influenced by the change in national income?2. Describe the various methods of measuring national income. How is a method chosen for measuring national income?3. Distinguish between net-product method and factor-income method. Which of these methods is followed in India?4. Does the method of measuring national inc ome of a ‘closed economy’ differ from one followed in an ‘open economy’? How is foreign income treated in national income estimates?5. What is value-added? Explain the value-added method of estimating national income.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Racism and Anti-Semitism

Racism and Anti-Semitism: Is it still A Problem in the United States? Melody D. Rahimi Logic Dr. Fail November 19, 2011 Racism and Anti-Semitism: Is it still A Problem in the United States? Racism and Anti-Semitism is an old debate. Although, most everyone thinks racism is objectionable, which ranges from cognitive, economic, or moral. Racism is the belief that human beings can be divided into races and that members of some races are inferior to members of other races. (Null, 2011). Anti-Semitism is prejudice against Jews. Racism and anti-Semitism is complex and still is a problem in the United States. Argument There are still racism and anti-Semitism crimes in the United States. In 2010, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,725 single-bias hate crime offenses were racially motivated. (Hate Crime, 2010). Of these offenses 69. 8 percent were motivated by anti-black bias. 18. 2 percent stemmed from anti-white bias. 5. 7 percent were a result of bias against groups of individuals consisting of more than one race (anti-multiple races, group. 5. 1 percent resulted from anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias. 1. 2 percent were motivated by anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias. The Anti-Defamation League's annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents recorded 1,239 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States in 2010, which represents a 2. 3% increase over 2009. These included 22 physical assaults on Jewish individuals (down from 29 in 2009). There were 900 cases of anti-Semitic harassment, threats and events (up from 760 in 2009). Lastly, there were 317 cases of anti-Semitic vandalism (down from 422 in 2009). (Anti-Semitism, 2010). These statics show a slight increase in incidents and that racism and anti-Semitism still exists in the United States. There is till problem in the United States with racism and anti-Semitism. Racism and Anti-Semitism has existed throughout history. Racism is defined as hatred towards another – the belief that the other person is less human – because of language, place of birth, skin color, or customs. Racism has influenced every aspect of culture from wars, slavery, and nations. The United States power towards non-Am ericans has had a significant impact on history than any other form of racism. The first example of America is slavery. Slavery happened because the racist believed that Black Americans were less human than whites. The anger toward the Jews dates to the beginning of Jewish history. Christianity increased the hatred of the Jew. While America is caught up in racial uproar, the Middle East is center for the most anti-Semitism. (Hate Crime, 2010). Most Jewish Americans are moderate to liberal in their political affiliations. They are strong supporters of civil liberties and support clear separation of church and state, perhaps recalling their ancestors’ persecutions at the hands of religious authorities. The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913 to combat anti-Semitism, continues to monitor and report anti-Semitic incidents in the United States. It also supports civil liberties and a pro-Israeli foreign policy. (Anti-Semitism, 2010). Knowing the history of racism and anti-Semitism allows us to see that the problem has not been resolved over time. There is still a problem in the United States. There is a deductive argument for racism. Racism is a problem (P is S). Problem is unresolved (S is I). Therefore, racism is unresolved. (P is I). Then the inductive argument for racism is n 2010, of the 6,624 single bias incidents. There were 47. 3 percent were motivated by a racial bias (P). In 2009, Of the 6,598 single-bias incidents, 48. percent were motivated by a racial bias (P). In 2008, of the 7,780 single-bias incidents revealed that 51. 3 percent were motivated by a racial bias, (P). In 2011, of the single bias incidents, at least forty five percent will be motivated by racial bias. There is a deductive argument for Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a problem. (P is S). Problem is unresolved (S is I). Therefore, Anti-Semitism is unresolved. (P is I). Then the inductive argument for anti-Semitism is in 2010, 1,239 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States (P). In 2009, there were 1,211 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States (P). In 2008, there were 1,352 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States (P). In 2011, of the anti-Semitic incidents across the United States, there will be 1,200. Of the agreements presented, there is still a problem with racism and anti-Semitism in the United States. Counter-Thesis and Counter-Argument However, there are other thoughts on racism and anti-Semitism. The counter thesis or argument would be that racism and anti-Semitism is not a problem in the United States today. One might say this is a moral argument. According to Mossler, â€Å"Moral arguments are different from other kinds of arguments. The main difference is this behind every conclusion about what â€Å"should† be done, ethically speaking, there is a value or values. Also, the values that underlie our moral arguments can typically be boiled down to three main kinds this problem would be considered values that relate to freedom (justice, respect, rights, equality, and so on). † (Mossler, 2010). Response to Counter-Thesis The response to the counter-thesis is although it is a moral argument, the deductive and inductive arguments premises and conclusions state that there is still a problem with racism and anti-Semitism in the United States. Therefore, there is still a problem in the United States. â€Å"Social theorists dispute whether, in its essence, racism is a belief or an ideology of racial inferiority, a system of social oppression on the basis of race, a form of discourse, discriminatory conduct, or an attitude of contempt or heartlessness (and its expression in individual or collective behavior). † (Racism, 1999). â€Å"Although virtually everyone thinks racism objectionable, people disagree over whether its central defect is cognitive (irrationality, prejudice), economic/prudential (inefficiency), or moral (unnecessary uffering, unequal treatment). † (Racism, 1999). Today one hears charges of unconscious, covert, institutional, paternalistic, benign, anti-racist, liberal, and even reverse racism. Racism is widely regarded as involving ignorance, irrationality, unreasonableness, injustice, and other intellectual and moral vices, to such an extent that today virtually no one is willing to accept the classification of oneself, one’s beliefs, and so on, as racist, except in contexts of self-reproach. As a result, classifying anything as racist, beyond the most egregious cases, is a serious charge and is often hotly disputed. † (Racism, 1999). In conclusion, people vary in their opinions about racism and anti-Semitism. These topics are an old debate. Although, most everyone thinks racism is objectionable, which ranges from cognitive, economic, or moral. Racism and anti-Semitism is complex and still is a problem in the United States. After reading the statics and history, we can believe that racism and anti-Semitism is still a problem in the United States. We can testify that we have witnessed or seen racism or anti-Semitism in our life. References The Anti-Defamation League. (1913). Retrieved from http://www. adl. org/main_Anti_Semitism_Domestic/default. htm Anti-Semitism. (2010). In Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/sharpecw/anti_semitism Hate Crime. FBI. http://www. fbi. ov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2010/resources/hate-crime-2010-about-hate-crime (adapted from the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual,  © 2010) Mosser, K. (2011). An introduction to logic. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. (https://content. ashford. edu) Nunn, Kenneth B. â€Å"Anti-Semitism. † World Book Advanced. World Book, 2011. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. Nunn, Kenneth B. â€Å"Racism. † World Book Advanced. World Book, 2011. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. Racism. (1999). In The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/cupdphil/racism

Monday, July 29, 2019

HRM STRATEGIES AND PRACTICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

HRM STRATEGIES AND PRACTICE - Essay Example It is necessary that the leader or the management should ensure that there is sufficient quantity of efficient employees for the efficient performance of the organization. By using various selection processes particularly through interview as well as assessment centres, employees with optimal skill and knowledge can be selected. Although, there are many selection processes or types, interview process is only prominently used throughout the world. However each of these selection processes have certain strengths as well as weaknesses, thus elevating one selection process above others in certain contexts. Certain contexts in the sense, although all these two selection processes of interview and assessment centres will fulfil the key purpose of selecting qualified and apt candidates, in certain situations and contexts, one selection process will fulfil the objective of getting correct employees even better. Also, in certain contexts, one selection process will not work as expected. This is from organization or management’s perspective, likewise each selection process will elicit different responses from the prospective employees or applicants as well. That is, each selection process will impact the employees differently, when they are exposed to it, thus eliciting different responses. So, this report firstly will discuss the selection method of interview, listing out its advantages and disadvantages. Then the paper will focus on another selection method of assessment centres, finally coming up with the recommendation about which selection method to adopt. Among the various selection processes, interview has been the commonly used selection process from very early times. The interview is an extremely common selection method and has a high predictive validity for job performance, indicating many factors particularly whether the prospective person is â€Å"organisation

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Developing Materials for Reading and Writing Skills Essay

Developing Materials for Reading and Writing Skills - Essay Example Developing Materials for Reading and Writing Skills On the other hand, the skill of writing is difficult when compared to reading because writing requires more effort in terms of correctness of grammar, use, or appropriacy of expression, punctuation, spelling, and of comprehension on the reader's part. But, I think if a reader has world knowledge and has a habit of reading a range of texts across different domains, s/he will be able to comprehend unfamiliar texts with ease. This paper is presented with an assumption that reading texts of various genres is likely to enhance the writing ability of a student because a fluent reader's word knowledge as well as knowledge of the academic texts is considered to be high, as aptly reported by (Kintsch, 1998) that skilled readers are good decoders with an ability to recognize words twice as fast as unskilled readers. Therefore, I believe that the teacher's approach towards classroom instruction should focus on various academic genres, and in integrating reading and writing skills that help students develop relevant academic vocabulary used across various disciplines. Studies also indicate that readers' knowledge in a domain helps in understanding the text better than readers with little or no knowledge in a domain (Sampson, 2003). However, the ever changing scenario in education and teaching approaches nudges the students to learn various reading and writing strategies that would help them succeed academically. At the same time, teachers and researchers continue to churn out various curricula, and device a variety of reading strategies in order to determine the most effective strategy that would help students to be effective learners. Though, these strategies (Simpson, 2000) were assumed to be part of a hidden curriculum, realizing their importance various studies have been carried out since 1960 till today by researchers. As (Simpson, 2000) pointed out that "The advantages of teaching strategies within a context are numerous. Students can learn how to define and interpret academic tasks, establish goals, and select the appropriate strategies, and then evaluate the utility of those strategies in relationship to the specific contexts". Along side, latest research trends and best practices continue to evolve based on sound theory and research. The skill of reading The purpose of reading can be classified into two categories depending on what they are read for - for pleasure or for information. Similarly, the purpose of reading varies from situation to situation and from text to text. Since reading is an active process, a reader's understanding of any text depends on the application of mental faculties. Therefore, the reader should have the knowledge of the writing system, the language, the ability to interpret, the knowledge of the world and a reason for reading. Thus, while reading a reader interacts with a text decodes it and constructs meaning. In the process, what the reader constructs depends on what the writer writes. On the contrary, poor or passive readers lack certain abilities as (Farr, 2003) stated that poor readers fail to relate with background knowledge, make interpretations, or understand the purpose of reading, in short they do not think while reading. A number of reading strate

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Genetically Modified Food Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Genetically Modified Food - Research Paper Example ically modified food started in 1994 and of late it has expanded in many areas with the corn, cotton seed oil, soybean, and canola plants being demanded in many countries. According to scientists, genetically modified foods do not pose high risks as compared to conventional foods. However, opponents argue that the foods raise safety issues, environmental concern as well as economic issues. While it takes time to breed conventional plants, genetic engineering ensures that the breeding process is not only fast but also it results into production of plants that have the exact traits that are desired with significant level of accuracy. Some of the major methods of coming up genetically modified foods include gene addition and gene subtraction. As the demand for food increase globally due to the increase in population, there is need for governments to ensure that food supply is maintained at a high rate. In third world countries, irrigation has been a major way through which food supply in increased. However, due to lack of water, the most of the irrigation schemes have failed. Thus, there is need to adopt genetically modified foods that use modern technology to produce. One of the advantages of genetically modified foods is that it produces foods that are pest resistance. As the result of pests, farmers have continued to incur high losses that are avoidable if they adopt genetically modified plants (Singh, et al, 2008). Additionally, most of the consumers do not wish to consume foods that treated with pesticides based on their health hazards. The use of pesticides is also a major cause of water pollution as well as environmental harm. Thus, for individuals to avoid such destructions, it is imperative that households start to use genetically modified foods such as B.t. corn. Another merit of GMF is that they are herbicides tolerance. While in their process of producing conventional plants, farmers take a lot time and resources to till their lands. Additionally, large

Friday, July 26, 2019

One Touch Direct External Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

One Touch Direct External Analysis - Essay Example The call centre industry faces competition not only from the national companies but also from the overseas market. Maggie Klene, the founder of â€Å"The Call centre School Founding partner† in an interview stated that the main competitors of the domestic call center in US are the call centers based in nations like India which has emerged as an attractive outsourcing destination due to its low operating cost in the form of low wages (The Great Voice Company, â€Å" An interview with the call center School Founding Partner, Maggie Klene†). One Touch Direct provides business solutions like call center operations, marketing, cross sales, retention, technical support and data entry services to its customers (One Touch Direct. â€Å"Our Services†). Its customers include firms which outsource their business processes like customer care services to third party vendors. In order to attain sustainable competitive advantage in the context of both regional as well as local players, One Touch Direct must focus on providing quality service to its clients. Macro economic factors are considered to be one of the most important factors that affect the business prospects of a firm. One Touch Direct is based in the United States of America and is engaged in providing services to French, Spanish and English speaking people (One Touch Direct. â€Å"About Us†). The economy of the United States is considered to be the most powerful economy of the world. Its per capita GDP is about $ 46,400. The nation is known to have favourable labour policies as compared to its counterparts in Europe and Asia. The nation has a GDP of about $14.26 trillion in the year 2009. Services constitute the bulk of its GDP having 76.9 percent share, this is closely followed by industries with 21.9 percent and finally agriculture which contributes about 1.2 percent to the nation’s GDP (CIA, â€Å"The World Factbook- North America: United States†). United States of America has a large mobile

Medical Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medical Marijuana - Essay Example No scientific study has been done to support this. Cigarette smokers are said to be heavier addicts than the marijuana users. Sufficient medical research has been carried out it has proven that marijuana can be used for various medical purposes. It is known to relieve nausea and several types of pain. On the hand, medics still believe that better alternatives still exist than using marijuana. Such medicines contain chemicals with the capability to relieve similar pains and symptoms. They therefore, know that such medicines are better compared to the â€Å"dangerous† marijuana (Haerens 2013). Marijuana under medical supervision has been proven to relieve pain and stress among the ill. Other officials still believe on the fact that smoked marijuana damages internal body organs and systems. It initiates cancer related illnesses. Little evidence supports that smoked marijuana poses risks to human health. Beliefs on the marijuana-cancer relationship are misplaced. Smoked marijuana however, damages and infects most of the respiratory organs (Gieringer& Cartel 2008). Different physicians have come up with different arguments concerning marijuana use. Although most of the civilian population believes in healing powers of marijuana, physicians partly agree on that. They support themselves on this by lack of positive consistent results on marijuana. They therefore, term it as dangerous. It is known to cause damage to the brain, hearts, immune system and the lungs. It is scientifically proven to contain cancer related causing compounds. Marijuana further compromises the ability to learn by interfering with the memory. Based on such grounds, some government officials have maintained their say that it is dangerous and illegal. Cigarettes of tobacco cause a lot of damage to the bronchial mucosa. Samples of such twenty tobacco cigarettes pose the same health threat as four cigarettes of marijuana. This appears to be quite dangerous than

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Remedies and restitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Remedies and restitution - Essay Example Pippa could also sue Frank because of having suggested to her that she do something illegal by basically bribing the Council with monies for the town’s visitor centre in exchange for the licence needed to have the Grand Prix off-track go-cart race. The Council could also be sued for having taken the bribe, although Pippa might also get in trouble for having taken the bribe. Pippa might be able to sue Rolling Hills for not having investigated the land well enough to have avoided the fact that there was a colony of rare beetles living in the forest—which should have been surveyed by the company of Rolling Hills prior to the project. Pippa may lawfully ask for the money she made to Hughes & Co. as a down payment because they didn’t start any of the work yet. Wing Nuts may not be liable beause they did not sign a contract of any sort. Rather, it was a booking made by a secretary who was in charge—and was not necessarily the express wishes of several of the peo ple who were club members with Wing Nuts. Julian, however, may be at fault for his hasty booking of the Wing Nuts group without some kind of formal signed contract committing the group to come to the Grand Prix. So, in other words, Pippa is going to be very busy trying to figure out how she is going to proceed in the future, seeing as how she still has to find out what to do next considering the fact that her go-cart race is now not going to happen—at least not in the near future or where she had been planning to have it. Thus, Pippa will definitely have to make alternate arrangements for the future. Consulting Suzi van Blick. This discusses what Suzi should do. This section will discuss what Suzi can claim against who and under what, what remedy can she get under each claim. Suzi may be able to reclaim damages from Pippa for having been contracted to build the track for the go-cart race. However, that having been said, if Pippa can claim that it was not her fault that she di dn’t know that there were rare beetles living in the forest, that may be Pippa’s way of getting out of having to pay Suzi van Blick all of the money that she put into the project that was spent. Thus, it could be proven that Suzi van Blick did not thoroughly and fully investigate and have the land surveyed well enough in order to have discovered the rare beetle colony. She may sue the GreenField environmental group for having ruined the project, because it was majorly because of their protests that the go-cart project was shut down. Thus, she has sufficient cause to protest. Why she can do this is because GreenField could have petitioned the council that the rare beetles be moved to a different locale with the help of local entomologists. However, instead of doing that, GreenField insisted that the beetles be left alone, thus rendering the entire go-cart project useless. Suzi could claim damages, although it is not likely she would have a strong case against GreenField . In fact, Suzi might come under fire for having misrepresented the scope of what Rolling Hills as a company could actually provide in terms of services, when it was really also Hughes & Co. that helped build certain things along the tracks, like pitstops and so forth. In sum, Suzi does not really have many

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Maladaptive Consumer Behavior Project Research Paper

Maladaptive Consumer Behavior Project - Research Paper Example Therefore, other institutions should take part in the initiative to campaign against smoking. This paper is aimed to address the problem of smoking among the youth. First, it describes the maladaptive behavior and its detrimental effects to the youth. Second, it identifies the factors that lead to the development of the behavior, and explain the role of parents and society in getting rid of this maladaptive behavior. Third, the study also determines the role of other institutions such as marketers in minimizing, eradicating or correcting the maladaptive behavior. Smoking can be considered a maladaptive behavior because those who smoke consider the habit as a way to rid of stress. However, smoking can actually cause even more problems especially physical illness. Cigarette smoking has been found to have many negative effects that could endanger lives of smokers and non-smokers alike. In particular, long-term smoking can cause different diseases in the lungs, oral cavity, and the throat. In addition, it is also associated with certain cancers especially of the lung and the heart, and even of the breast (Chaudhuri et al., 2006). Other negative effects include allergies, peptic ulcer, stroke, asthma, and other serious illnesses. Moreover, a study conducted by researchers at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center found out the possible role of nicotine from cigarettes in breast cancer development and metastases (â€Å"Study Suggests a Possible Role for Nicotine in Breast Tumor Development and Metastases,† 2008) Informing children of the possible risks of smoking is not enough to make them realize the negative effects of smoking. The parents serve as the main motivators to make children avoid the habit. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) suggests the importance of being involved in children’s affairs. By knowing their children’s

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Integumentary System Worksheet Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Integumentary System Worksheet - Coursework Example This is the most common skin cancer among people with fair skin. Patients with Basal cell Cancer have pink and waxy bumps that can bleed after a minor injury. This type of cancer originates in squamous cells. It is often in areas not in the sun such as feet and legs. However, for fair skin people, it appears in areas that have been in the sun. This is the most common type of skin cancer among dark skin people. Patients with this skin cancer have dull red, rough, and scaly skin lesions. The most common risk factor for skin cancer is exposure to sunlight, which is a source of UV radiation. The sun’s rays cause skin damages, which can lead to skin cancer. Individuals can protect themselves from skin cancer by avoiding outdoor activities when the sun’s rays are strong usually during the middle of the day. The rays can go through windows, clouds, windshields, and light clothing. We should also wear long pants, long sleeves, and particularly tightly woven fabrics. People should also wear sunglasses that absorb UV radiation to protect the skin area around the eyes. It is also advisable to wear wide brim hats that shade the neck and face. This is the least serious of the three types of burns. In a first-degree burn, the outer layer of the skin burns. The skin is usually swollen and red in color although the outer layer of skin is not burned through. There is often a swelling and there might be some pain. A skin injury is a second-degree burn if the first layer of the skin is burned through and the second layer is burned. Blisters develop and the appearance of the skin changes to a reddened, splotchy appearance. There is severe pain and swelling in the second degree burns. This is the most severe skin burn and it involves all layers of the skin. Third degree burn may affect muscle, fat and even bones. The burned areas may appear dry and white or may be charred black. Difficulties in exhaling or inhaling and carbon monoxide poisoning

Monday, July 22, 2019

Translation Technique by Molina and Albir Essay Example for Free

Translation Technique by Molina and Albir Essay Cet article a pour objectif de cerner la notion de technique de traduction entendue comme un des instruments d’analyse textuelle qui permet d’etudier le fonctionnement de l’equivalence par rapport a l’original. Nous rappelons tout d’abord les differentes definitions et classifications qui ont ete proposees ainsi que les confusions terminologiques, conceptuelles et de classification qui en ont decoule. Nous donnons ensuite notre definition de la technique de traduction en la differenciant de la methode et de la strategie de traduction et proposons une approche dynamique et fonctionnelle de celleci. Pour terminer, nous definissons chacune des diverses techniques de traduction existantes et en presentons une nouvelle classification. Cette proposition a ete appliquee dans le cadre d’une recherche sur la traduction des elements culturels dans les traductions en arabe de Cent ans de solitude de Garcia Marquez. ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to clarify the notion of translation technique, understood as an instrument of textual analysis that, in combination with other instruments, allows us to study how translation equivalence works in relation to the original text. First, existing definitions and classifications of translation techniques are reviewed and terminological, conceptual and classification confusions are pointed out. Secondly, translation techniques are redefined, distinguishing them from translation method and translation strategies. The definition is dynamic and functional. Finally, we present a classification of translation techniques that has been tested in a study of the translation of cultural elements in Arabic translations of A Hundred Years of Solitude by Garcia Marquez. MOTS-CLES/KEYWORDS translation technique, translation method, translation strategy, translation equivalence, functionalism 1. TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES AS TOOL FOR ANALYSIS: THE EXISTING CONFUSIONS The categories used to analyze translations allow us to study the way translation works. These categories are related to text, context and process. Textual categories describe mechanisms of coherence, cohesion and thematic progression. Contextual categories introduce all the extra-textual elements related to the context of source text and translation production. Process categories are designed to answer two basic questions. Which option has the translator chosen to carry out the translation project, i. e. , which method has been chosen? How has the translator solved the problems that have emerged during the translation process, i. e. , which strategies have been chosen? However, research (or teaching) requirements may make it important to consider textual micro-units as well, that is to say, how the result of the translation Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 498 11/21/02, 2:15 PM translation techniques revisited 499 functions in relation to the corresponding unit in the source text. To do this we need translation techniques. We were made aware of this need in a study of the treatment of cultural elements in Arabic translations of A Hundred Years of Solitude1. Textual and contextual categories were not sufficient to identify, classify and name the options chosen by the translators for each unit studied. We needed the category of translation techniques that allowed us to describe the actual steps taken by the translators in each textual micro-unit and obtain clear data about the general methodological option chosen. However, there is some disagreement amongst translation scholars about translation techniques. This disagreement is not only terminological but also conceptual. There is even a lack of consensus as to what name to give to call the categories, different labels are used (procedures, techniques, strategies) and sometimes they are confused with other concepts. Furthermore, different classifications have been proposed and the terms often overlap. This article presents the definition and classification of translation techniques that we used in our study of the treatment of cultural elements in Arabic translations of A Hundred Years of Solitude. We also present a critical review of earlier definitions and classifications of translation techniques. 2. THE DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO CLASSIFYING TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES 2. 1. Translation Technical Procedures in the Compared Stylistics. Vinay and Darbelnet’s pioneer work Stylistique comparee du francais et de l’anglais (SCFA) (1958) was the first classification of translation techniques that had a clear methodological purpose. The term they used was ‘procedes techniques de la traduction. ’ They defined seven basic procedures operating on three levels of style: lexis, distribution (morphology and syntax) and message. The procedures were classified as direct (or literal) or oblique, to coincide with their distinction between direct (or literal) and oblique translation. Literal translation occurs when there is an exact structural, lexical, even morphological equivalence between two languages. According to the authors, this is only possible when the two languages are very close to each other. The literal translation procedures are: †¢ †¢ †¢ Borrowing. A word taken directly from another language, e. g. , the English word bulldozer has been incorporated directly into other languages. Calque. A foreign word or phrase translated and incorporated into another language, e. g. , fin de semaine from the English weekend. Literal translation. Word for word translation, e. g. , The ink is on the table and L’encre est sur la table. Oblique translation occurs when word for word translation is impossible. The oblique translation procedures are: †¢ †¢ 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 Transposition. A shift of word class, i. e. , verb for noun, noun for preposition e. g. , Expediteur and From. When there is a shift between two signifiers, it is called crossed transposition, e. g. , He limped across the street and Il a traverse la rue en boitant. Modulation. A shift in point of view. Whereas transposition is a shift between grammatical categories, modulation is a shift in cognitive categories. Vinay and Darbelnet 499 11/21/02, 2:15 PM 500 Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002 †¢ †¢ postulate eleven types of modulation: abstract for concrete, cause for effect, means for result, a part for the whole, geographical change, etc. , e. g. , the geographical modulation between encre de Chine and Indian ink. Intravaia and Scavee (1979) studied this procedure in depth and reached the conclusion that it is qualitatively different from the others and that the others can be included within it. Equivalence. This accounts for the same situation using a completely different phrase, e. g. , the translation of proverbs or idiomatic expressions like, Comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles and Like a bull in a china shop. Adaptation. A shift in cultural environment, i. e. , to express the message using a different situation, e. g. cycling for the French, cricket for the English and baseball for the Americans. These seven basic procedures are complemented by other procedures. Except for the procedures of compensation and inversion, they are all classified as opposing pairs. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 Compensation. An item of information, or a stylistic effect from the ST that cannot be reproduced in the same place in the TT is introduced elsewhere in the TT, e. g. , the French translation of I was seeking thee, Flathead. from the Jungle Book Kipling used the archaic thee, instead of you, to express respect, but none of the equivalent French pronoun forms (tu, te, toi) have an archaic equivalent, so the translator expressed the same feeling by using the vocative, O, in another part of the sentence: En verite, c’est bien toi que je cherche, O Tete-Plate. Concentration vs. Dissolution. Concentration expresses a signified from the SL with fewer signifiers in the TL. Dissolution expresses a signified from the SL with more signifiers in the TL, e. g. , archery is a dissolution of the French tir a l’arc. Amplification vs. Economy. These procedures are similar to concentration and dissolution. Amplification occurs when the TL uses more signifiers to cover syntactic or lexical gaps. According to Vinay and Darbelnet, dissolution is a question of langue and adaptation of parole, e. g. , He talked himself out of a job and Il a perdu sa chance pour avoir trop parle. The opposite procedure is economy, e. g., We’ll price ourselves out of the market and Nous ne pourrons plus vendre si nous sommes trop exigeants. Reinforcement vs. Condensation. These are variations of amplification and economy that are characteristic of French and English, e. g. , English prepositions or conjunctions that need to be reinforced in French by a noun or a verb: To the station and Entree de la gare; Shall I phone for a cab? and Voulez-vous que je telephone pour faire venir une voiture? Mallblanc (1968) changed Vinay and Darbelnet’s reinforcement for over-characterization, because he found it was more appropriate for the traits of French and German. He pointed out that German prepositions, such as, in can be translated into French as dans le creux de, dans le fond de, or, dans le sein de. Explicitation vs. Implicitation. Explicitation is to introduce information from the ST that is implicit from the context or the situation, e. g. , to make explicit the patient’s sex when translating his patient into French. Implicitation is to allow the situation to indicate information that is explicit in the ST, e. g. , the meaning of sortez as go out or come out depends on the situation. Generalization vs. Particularization. Generalization is to translate a term for a more general one, whereas, particularization is the opposite, e. g. , the English translation of guichet, fenetre or devanture by window is a generalization. Inversion. This is to move a word or a phrase to another place in a sentence or a paragraph so that it reads naturally in the target language, e. g. , Pack separately †¦ for convenient inspection and Pour faciliter la visite de la douane mettre a part †¦. 500 11/21/02, 2:15 PM translation techniques revisited 501 Table 1 Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedures Borrowing Bulldozer (E) ? Bulldozer (F) Calque Fin de semaine (F) ? Week-end (E) Literal translation L’encre est sur la table (F) ? The ink is on the table (E) Transposition Defense de fumer (F) ? No smoking (E) Crossed transposition He limped across the street (E) ? Il a traverse la rue en boitant (F) Modulation Encre de Chien (F) ? Indian Ink (E) Equivalence Comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles (F) ? Like a bull in a china shop (E) Adaptation Cyclisme (F) ? Cricket (E) ? Baseball (U. S) Compensation I was seeking thee, Flathead (E) ? En verite, c’est bien toi que je cherche, O Tete-Plate (F) Dissolution Tir a l’arc (F) ? Archery (E) Concentration Archery (E) ? Tir a l’arc (F) Amplification He talked himself out of a job (E) ? Il a perdu sa chance pour avoir trop parle (F) Economy Nous ne pourrons plus vendre si nous sommes trop exigeants (F) ? We’ll price ourselves out of the market (E) Reinforcement Shall I phone for a cab? (E) ? Voulez-vous que je telephone pour faire venir une voiture? (F) Condensation Entree de la garde (F) ? To the station (E) Explicitation His patient (E) ? Son patient / Son patiente (F) Implicitation Go out/ Come out (E) ? Sortez (F) Generalization Guichet, fenetre, devanture (F) ? Window (E) Particularization Window (E) ? Guichet, fenetre, devanture (F) Articularization. In all this immense variety of conditions,†¦ (E) ? Et cependant, malgre la diversite des conditions,†¦ (F) Juxtaposition Et cependant, malgre la diversite des conditions,†¦ (F) ? In all this immense variety of conditions,†¦ (E) Grammaticalization A man in a blue suit (E) ? Un homme vetu de blue (F) Lexicalization Un homme vetu de blue (F) ? A man in a blue suit (E) Inversion Pack separately [†¦] for convenient inspection (E) ? Pour faciliter la visite de la douane mettre a part [†¦] (F) 2. 2. The Bible translators From their study of biblical translation, Nida, Taber and Margot concentrate on questions related to cultural transfer. They propose several categories to be used 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 501 11/21/02, 2:15 PM 502 Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002 when no equivalence exists in the target language: adjustment techniques, essential distinction, explicative paraphrasing, redundancy and naturalization. 2. 2. 1. Techniques of adjustment Nida (1964) proposes three types: additions, subtractions and alterations. They are used: 1) to adjust the form of the message to the characteristics of the structure of the target language; 2) to produce semantically equivalent structures; 3) to generate appropriate stylistic equivalences; 4) to produce an equivalent communicative effect. †¢ †¢ †¢ Additions. Several of the SCFA procedures are included in this category. Nida lists different circumstances that might oblige a translator to make an addition: to clarify an elliptic expression, to avoid ambiguity in the target language, to change a grammatical category (this corresponds to SCFA’s transposition), to amplify implicit elements (this corresponds to SCFA’s explicitation), to add connectors (this corresponds to SCFA’s articulation required by characteristics of the TL, etc. ). Examples are as follows. When translating from St Paul’s Epistles, it is appropriate to add the verb write in several places, even though it is not in the source text; a literal translation of they tell him of her (Mark I:30) into Mazatec would have to be amplified to the people there told Jesus about the woman, otherwise, as this language makes no distinctions of number and gender of pronominal affixes it could have thirty-six different interpretations; He went up to Jerusalem. There he taught the people some languages require the equivalent of He went up to Jerusalem. Having arrived there, he taught the people. Subtractions. Nida lists four situations where the translator should use this procedure, in addition to when it is required by the TL: unnecessary repetition, specified references, conjunctions and adverbs. For example, the name of God appears thirty-two times in the thirty-one verses of Genesis. Nida suggests using pronouns or omitting God. Alterations. These changes have to be made because of incompatibilities between the two languages. There are three main types. 1) Changes due to problems caused by transliteration when a new word is introduced from the source language, e. g., the transliteration of Messiah in the Loma language, means death’s hand, so it was altered to Mezaya. 2) Changes due to structural differences between the two languages, e. g. , changes in word order, grammatical categories, etc. (similar to SCFA’s transposition). 3) Changes due to semantic misfits, especially with idiomatic expressions. One of the suggestions to solve this kind of problem is the use of a descriptive equivalent i. e. , a satisfactory equivalent for objects, events or attributes that do not have a standard term in the TL. It is used for objects that are unknown in the target culture (e. g., in Maya the house where the law was read for Synagogue) and for actions that do not have a lexical equivalent (e. g. , in Maya desire what another man has for covetousness, etc. ) Nida includes footnotes as another adjustment technique and points out that they have two main functions: 1) To correct linguistic and cultural differences, e. g. , to explain contradictory customs, to identify unknown geographical or physical items, to give equivalents for weights and measures, to explain word play, to add information about proper names, etc. ; 2) To add additional information about the historical and cultural context of the text in question. 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 502 11/21/02, 2:15 PM translation techniques revisited 503 2. 2. 2. The essential differences Margot (1979) presents three criteria used to justify cultural adaptation. He refers to them as the essential differences. 1) 2) 3) Items that are unknown by the target culture. He suggests adding a classifier next to the word (as Nida does), e. g. , the city of Jerusalem or, by using a cultural equivalent (similar to the SCFA procedure of adaptation), e. g. , in Jesus’ parable (Matthew 7:16) to change grapes / thorn bushes and figs / thistles for other plants that are more common in the target culture. However, he warns the reader that this procedure is not always possible. Taber y Nida (1974) list five factors that have to be taken into account when it is used: a) the symbolic and theological importance of the item in question, b) its fequency of use in the Bible, c) its semantic relationship with other words, d) similarities of function and form between the two items, e) the reader’s emotional response. The historical framework. Here Margot proposes a linguistic rather than a cultural translation, on the grounds that historical events cannot be modified. Adaptation to the specific situation of the target audience. Margot maintains that the translator’s task is to translate and that it is up to preachers, commentarists and Bible study groups to adapt the biblical text to the specific situation of the target audience. He includes footnotes as an aid to cultural adaptation. 2. 2. 3. The explicative paraphrase Nida, Taber and Margot coincide in distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate paraphrasing. The legitimate paraphrase is a lexical change that makes the TT longer than the ST but does not change the meaning (similar to the SCFA amplification / dissolution. The illegitimate paraphrase makes ST items explicit in the TT. Nida, Taber and Margot agree this is not the translator’s job as it may introduce subjectivity. 2. 2. 4. The concept of redundancy According to Margot (1979), redundancy tries to achieve symmetry between ST readers and TT readers. This is done either by adding information (grammatical, syntactic and stylistic elements, etc. ) when differences between the two languages and cultures make a similar reception impossible for the TT readers, or by suppressing information when ST elements are redundant for the TT readers, e. g. , the Hebrew expression, answering, said that is redundant in some other languages. This procedure is very close to SCFA’s implicitation / explicitation. 2. 2. 5. The concept of naturalization This concept was introduced by Nida (1964) after using the term natural to define dynamic equivalence (the closest natural equivalent to the source language message). Nida claims that naturalization can be achieved by taking into account: 1) the source language and culture understood as a whole; 2) the cultural context of the message; 3) the target audience. This procedure is very close to SCFA’s adaptation. 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 503 11/21/02, 2:15 PM 504 Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002 Table 2. The Bible translators’ proposals Classifier The city of Jerusalem Alteration Messiah (E) ? Mezaya (Loma) Cultural equivalent grapes / thorn bushes and figs / thistles ? other plants that are more common in the target culture Equivalent description Synagogue ? The house where the law was read (Maya) Footnotes 2. 3. Vazquez Ayora’s technical procedures Vazquez Ayora (1977) uses the term operative technical procedures, although he sometimes refers to them as the translation method. He combines the SCFA prescriptive approach with the Bible translators, descriptive approach and introduces some new procedures: †¢ †¢ Omission. This is to omit redundancy and repetition that is characteristic of the SL, e. g. , to translate The committee has failed to act by La comision no actuo, omitting the verb to fail and avoiding over-translation: La comision dejo de actuar. Desplacement and Inversion. Displacement corresponds to SCFA’s inversion, where two elements change position, e. g. , The phone rang and Sono el telefono. Table 3 Vazquez Ayora’s contribution Omission The committee has failed to act (E) ? La comision no actuo (Sp) Inversion The phone rang (E) ? Sono el telefono (Sp) 2. 4. Delisle’s contribution. Delisle (1993) introduces some variations to the SCFA procedures and maintains the term procedure for Vinay and Darbelnet’s proposals. However, for some other categories of his own, he introduces a different terminology, e. g. , translation strategies, translation errors, operations in the cognitive process of translating†¦ He lists several of these categories as contrasting pairs. In his review of Vinay and Darbelnet, he proposes simplifying the SCFA dichotomies of reinforcement/condensation and amplification/economy and he reduces them to a single pair, reinforcement/economy. Reinforcement is to use more words in the TT than the ST to express the same idea. He distinguishes three types of reinforcement: 1) dissolution; 2) explicitation (these two correspond to their SCFA homonyms); and 3) periphrasis (this corresponds to SCFA’s amplification). Economy is to use fewer words in the TT than the ST to express the same idea. He distinguishes three types of economy: 1) concentration; 2) implicitation (these two correspond to their SCFA homonyms and are in contrast to dissolution and explicitation); and concision (this corresponds to SCFA’s economy and is in contrast to periphrasis). 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 504. 11/21/02, 2:15 PM translation techniques revisited 505 The other categories Delisle introduces are: †¢ †¢ †¢ Addition vs. Omission. He defines them as unjustified periphrasis and concision and considers them to be translation errors. Addition is to introduce unjustified stylistic elements and information that are not in the ST, omission is the unjustifiable suppression of elements in the ST. Paraphrase. This is defined as excessive use of paraphrase that complicates the TT without stylistic or rhetorical justification. It is also classified as a translation error. Delisle’s paraphrase and addition coincide with Margot’s illegitimate paraphrase. Discursive creation. This is an operation in the cognitive process of translating by which a non-lexical equivalence is established that only works in context, e. g. , In the world of literature, ideas become cross-fertilized, the experience of others can be usefully employed to mutual benefit is translated into French as, Dans le domaine des lettres, le choc des idees se revele fecond; il devient possible de profiter de l’experience d’autrui. This concept is close to Nida’s alterations caused by semantic incompatibilities and transliteration. Table 4 Delisle’s contributions Dissolution Reinforcement Explicitation Periphrasis (+) Addition (–) Paraphrase (–) Concentration Economy Implicitation Concession (+) Discursive creation Omission (–) Ideas become cross-fertilized (E) ? Le choc des idees se revele fecond (F) 2. 5. Newmark’s procedures Newmark (1988) also uses the term procedures to classify the proposals made by the comparative linguists and by the Bible translators, as well as some of his own. These are: †¢ †¢ †¢ 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 Recognized translation. This is the the translation of a term that is already official or widely accepted, even though it may not be the most adequate, e. g., Gay-Lussac’s Volumengesetz der Gase and Law of combining volumes. Functional equivalent. This is to use a culturally neutral word and to add a specifying term, e. g. , baccalaureat = French secondary school leaving exam; Sejm = Polish parliament. It is very similar to Margot’s cultural equivalent, and in the SCFA terminology it would be an adaptation (secondary school leaving exam / parliament) with an explicitation (French/ Polish). Naturalization. Newmark’s definition is not the same as Nida’s. For Nida, it comes from transfer (SCFA’s borrowing) and consists of adapting a SL word to the phonetic and morphological norms of the TL, e.g. , the German word Performanz and the English performance. 505 11/21/02, 2:15 PM 506 Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002. Translation label. This is a provisional translation, usually of a new term, and a literal translation could be acceptable, e. g. , Erbschaftssprache or langue d’heritage from the English heritage language. Newmark includes the option of solving a problem by combining two or more procedures (he called these solutions doubles, triples or quadruples). Newmark also adds synonymy as another category. Table 5 Newmark’s procedures Recognized translation Volumengesetz der Gase (G) ? Law of combining volumes (E). Functional equivalent Baccalaureat (F) ? Baccalaureat, secondary school leaving exam (E) Naturalization Performance (E) ? Performanz (G) Translation label Heritage language (E) ? Langue d’heritage (F) 3. CRITICAL REVIEW OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES As we have seen, there is no general agreement about this instrument of analysis and there is confusion about terminology, concepts and classification. The most serious confusions are the following. 3. 1. Terminological confusion and over-lapping terms Terminological diversity and the overlapping of terms make it difficult to use these terms and to be understood. The same concept is expressed with different names and the classifications vary, covering different areas of problems. In one classification one term may over-lap another in a different system of classification. The category itself is given different names, for example, Delisle uses procedure, translation strategy, etc. 3. 2. The confusion between translation process and translation result This confusion was established by Vinay y Darbelnet’s pioneer proposal, when they presented the procedures as a description of the ways open to the translator in the translation process. Nevertheless, the procedures, as they are presented in the SCFA do not refer to the process followed by the translator, but to the final result. The confusion has persisted and translation techniques have been confused with other translation categories: method and strategies. In some of the proposals there is a conceptual confusion between techniques and translation method. Vinay y Darbelnet introduced the confusion by dividing the procedures following the traditional methodological dichotomy between literal and free translation. As they worked with isolated units they did not distinguish between categories that affect the whole text and categories that refer to small units. Furthermore, the subtitle of their book, Methode de traduction, caused even more confusion. In our opinion (see 4. 1. ), a distinction should bemade between translation method, that is part of the process, a global choice that affects the whole translation, and translation techniques that describe the result and affect smaller sections of the translation. 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 506 11/21/02, 2:15 PM translation techniques revisited 507 The SCFA use of the term procedures created confusion wirh another category related to the process: translation strategies. Procedures are related to the distinction between declarative knowledge (what you know) and procedural or operative knowledge (know-how) (Anderson 1983). Procedures are an important part of procedural knowledge, they are related to knowing how to do something, the ability to organise actions to reach a specific goal (Pozo, Gonzalo and Postigo 1993). Procedures include the use of simple techniques and skills, as well as expert use of strategies (Pozo y Postigo 1993). Strategies are an essential element in problem solving. Therefore, in relation to solving translation problems, we think a distinction should be made between techniques and strategies. Techniques describe the result obtained and can be used to classify different types of translation solutions. Strategies are related to the mechanisms used by translators throughout the the whole translation process to find a solution to the problems they find. The technical procedures (the name itself is ambiguous) affect the results and not the process, so they should be distinguished from strategies. We propose they should be called translation techniques. 3. 3. The confusion between issues related to language pairs and text pairs Vinay y Darbelnet’s original proposal also led to a confusion between language problems and text problems. Their work was based on comparative linguistics and all the examples used to illustrate their procedures were decontextualized. In addition, because they gave a single translation for each linguistic item, the result was pairs of fixed equivalences. This led to a confusion between comparative linguistic phenomena (and the categories needed to analyse their similarities and differences) and phenomena related to translating texts (that need other categories). The use of translation techniques following the SCFA approach is limited to the classification of differences between language systems, not the textual solutions needed for translation. For example, SCFA’s borrowing, transposition and inversion, or, Vazquez Ayora’s omission, should not be considered as translation techniques. They are not a textual option open to the translator, but an obligation imposed by the characteristics of the language pair. 4. A DEFINITION OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES Our proposal is based on two premises: 1) the need to distinguish between method, strategy and technique; 2) the need for an dynamic and functional concept of translation techniques. 4. 1. The need to distinguish between method, strategy and technique We think that translation method, strategies and techniques are essentially different categories. (Hurtado 1996). 4. 1. 1. Translation method and translation techniques. Translation method refers to the way a particular translation process is carried out in terms of the translator’s objective, i. e. , a global option that affects the whole text. There are several translation methods that may be chosen, depending on the aim of 01. Meta 47/4. Partie 1 507 11/21/02, 2:15 PM 508 Meta, XLVII, 4, 2002 the translation: interpretative-communicative (translation of the sense), literal (linguistic transcodification), free (modification of semiotic and communicative categories) and philological (academic or critical translation) (see Hurtado Albir 1999: 32). Each solution the translator chooses when translating a text responds to the global option that affects the whole text (the translation method) and depends on the aim of the translation. The translation method affects the way micro-units of the text are translated: the translation techniques. Thus, we should distinguish between the method chosen by the translator, e. g. , literal or adaptation, that affects the whole text, and the translation techniques, e. g. , literal translation or adaptation, that affect microunits of the text. Logically, method and functions should function harmoniously in the text. For example, if the aim of a translation method is to produce a foreignising version, then borrowing will be one of the most frequently used translation techniques. (Cf. This has been shown in Molina (1998), where she analyses the three translations into Arabic of Garcia Marquez’s A Hundred Years of Solitude. Each translation had adopted a different translation method, and the techniques were studied in relation to the method chosen). 4. 1. 2. Translation strategy and translation techniques Whatever method is chosen, the translator may encounter problems in the translation process, either because of a particularly difficult unit, or because there may be a gap in the translator’s knowledge or skills. This is when translation strategies are activated. Strategies are the procedures (conscious or unconscious, verbal or nonverbal) used by the translator to solve problems that emerge when carrying out the translation process with a particular objective in mind (Hurtado Albir 1996, 1999). Translators use strategies for comprehension (e. g. , distinguish main and secondary ideas, establish conceptual relationships, search for information) and for reformulation (e. g. , paraphrase, retranslate, say out loud, avoid words that are close to the original). Because strategies play an essential role in problem solving, they are a central part of the subcompetencies that make up translation competence. Strategies open the way to finding a suitable solution for a translation unit. The solution will be materialized by using a particular techniqu.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried As Adults Criminology Essay

Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried As Adults Criminology Essay In todays society, there are many crimes going on. Adults are not the only ones that commit crimes. One issue today is that juvenile offenses and whether juvenile offenders should be tried as adults in criminal court. A common phrase that is often used in this case of young juveniles committing crimes is Old enough to do the crime, old enough to do the time. This phrase should be cleared to people that juveniles are not adults, and with this being said it will not make them one. It has redefined juvenile offenses by treating most of them as delinquent acts to be adjudicated within a separate juvenile justice system that is theoretically designed to recognize the special needs and immature status of young people and emphasize rehabilitation over punishment (Steinberg). While juveniles should be responsible for their actions, and should be held accountable for the crime, then the juvenile justice system is design to determine the consequences. Youths are still minors and are less matur e. They often face a lot of negative peer pressure. Therefore, juveniles should not be tried in courts as adults. Even though the justice system knows perfectly well that most juveniles offenders are too young to truly understand the consequences of their actions, many juveniles are still transferred to adult courts for case hearing. A juvenile offender is someone who is too young to be tried as an adult. For instance, if a eighteen year old boy is charged as an adult with a killing of another boy, then he will be condemn to serve his sentence in an adult jail. This boy could have the mind of a younger person but he still will be placed with the adults because by law he is an adult. Just because someone is eighteen years old that does not make them an adult. An adult is considered to be someone who has reached eighteen years old by law, but some people do not have the quality that makes an adult. Adults know how to accept responsibility, have plans for the future and is financially independent. Adults generally know right from wrong just like how children do, but they know what can cause them to go to jail and what cannot. Jewish youth are declared adults in the eyes of their religion when they turn thirteen (New York Times Upfront). The age that someone is considered an adult can vary from city and based on their religion. Being considered an adult can be pretty harsh. When juvenile is sent to adult jails where he/she has an adult cell mate, then they could be badly influence. Juveniles and adults being cellmates can cause the juvenile to get into more trouble. Adults will take advantage of them and put the youth up to do things they are not suppose to do. Juveniles will not be able to mature properly because the cell mate is not on his/her age group. Rather than the juveniles being sent to a rehabilitation center where he/she would have had the companion of other children who care in similar position, and could thus be educated in interest. The purpose juveniles should go to the juvenile court because it is a treatment and guidance rather than punishment (Cliff Notes). By placing juveniles offenders in a place that was made for adults can take a toile on them. Although juveniles may know right from wrong, immaturity should be a reason for them not to be tried as adults. With that being said juveniles being charged with minor crimes should not have to go to a rehabilitation center nor jail. Criminal crime by juveniles should still be taken to juvenile justice system because they young children may be going through the stage of immaturity or negative peer pressure. Despite the severity of the crime juveniles are still children and are not developed with maturity quit yet. Holding teenagers responsible for themselves is not unique to our justice system (New York Times Upfront). Also, a rehabilitation institution has an advantage to adults prison in terms of their effect on the juvenile. When a juvenile is sent to juvenile court the main focus is what they may be able to do to rehabilitate the teen. Being that it is a teen committing a crime they called it a delinquent act rather than a criminal offense. A criminal offense can make things worse than compared to delinquent act. Although most juveniles go to rehabilitation centers they do have juvenile prisons in many states and other places they can be sent instead of a rehabilitation center. It has been found that changing the social environment in which juveniles live is a more effective way to reduce violence than punishing juvenile offenders in adult courts( CliffNotes). If the youth has been to the adult criminal court instead of the juvenile court, then they will not have the right to go to a rehabilitation institution. Juveniles who commit serious crimes are being punished for their actions, but the possible solution to juveniles crime would be rehabilitation. By them going to this institution it can help them become more of a positive person inside and out. It is cleared that older adults and children are totally not similar, so they should be treated accordingly. If they are at a rehabilitated institution they are more successful in willing to learn. As said in the article by Cliff Notes , While the denial of full constitution rights for juveniles is sometime a problem, the juvenile courts mission is benevolence- serve the best interest of children ( CliffNotes, ). So by the juveniles going to a rehabilitation institution it can be better for them. It can help better them in so many ways. Ways they can better themselves: having the right of still being able to get an education, they could possibly have a job, they will not be influence by people if so then it would be peer pressure, be around people thats around their age group so they can better relate. Being that they are teenagers they are still getting used to the surrounding so they will make mistakes regardless. When they make mistakes and are sent to a rehabilitation institution they will not have to deal with a whole lot of bullying by peers. There is something that is called a waiver. A waiver is something for juveniles who have committed serious offenses and the court waived them from a juvenile court to an adult court (Aaron Larson). Sometimes juveniles have to get mandatory waivers where they will be tried as adults. Some people may say a certain juvenile victim may need to go to the adult jail because of the crime committed and the adults can tortured them, but not too harshly. They may say this because if the child is that bad off then they could bring a lot of negative behavior in the rehabilitation institution. It should not be that way because every teenager has their times of displaying terrible behavior. Although they may not act accordingly at times they are still children. So therefore the rehabilitation will be the right place for them. The rehab is designed the help the juveniles become better positive young people. If they give the juvenile a chance then maybe it will work for them instead of just wanting to send them to the adult jail. Every household should have morals for their family. Just because a family has morals it does not mean that when teens get around their peers that they will not act a different way from home. Some families do not raise their children with morals. A lack of human morals cannot be treated or cured in rehabilitation centers. Some things have to start from home to help guide children the right way. If children do not have no guidance when they get around their peers it will be very easy to influence them, they will often find themselves following the crowd, and even doing bad things to get attention. If a teen does something and they have to go to court and end up at a rehabilitation center but does not display morals then it is a possible change that, that child will always be out of control. New York Times Upfront states trying juveniles as adults sends a clear message that crimes such as murder, rape, and assault will not be tolerated and that perpetrators must accept the consequences of their actions. Agreeing with this because if a juvenile commits one of these crimes and just have to attend a rehabilitation center for a couple of months or years, then if they are more of a rough neck juvenile with no morals they can come home and continue to do the same things. So that then makes courts systems wonder if it is a good idea to have juveniles go to a rehabilitation center with crimes like these. Some teens have the maturity and judgment to make reasoned decisions. All juvenile are not mature and can make wise decisions just as well make bad ones. Many young people get drivers licenses before they turn eighteen (New York Times). The way youths use their thinking skills to drive a vehicle they could do the same before getting involved in criminal behavior. When juveniles commit crimes it does not guarantee when they become an adult their records will be sealed. These just vary from state to state. It can also be based upon the crime committed. If a juvenile has a sex offender charger then they would have to register as a sex offender, no matter what age they are for the rest of their life. Stated by Aaron Larson In some states which automatically seal a juveniles record once he/ she passes a certain age, that record may remain unsealed if the defendant is convicted of an adult offenses before he reaches that age.

Effective Communication Principles: Barriers and Mechanisms

Effective Communication Principles: Barriers and Mechanisms General Skills Cultural Differences It is adamantly essential for us to watch out the way we communicate to each other as in the case of age, race, physical capability and reaction. We are required to focus on watching our formal language for example if in a foreign country. Certain words could stand for different meanings regardless of the way we pronounce them are being pronounced. Different physical body architectures or rather formal clothing could mean severe insults to certain cultures. Consuming different foods could mean a great insult to some cultures as well. Barrier to This A barrier to this specific communication is silence within the working environment, lack of physical integration and job unity, lack of staff embrace and secluded frequent foreign language usage in the working environment. Overcoming this Barrier In order to avoid such things, cultural differences must be respected as a hideous part of an individual matters a lot especially if he or she is from a foreign country. Foreign language in the working environment must be kept at a minimum or not be used at all until working hours. Question answer The most important part of the communicative network is the audience. It is vital for them to be involved in the presentations. A nosey part of the audience not being given a chance to express their cloud would feel neglected and fully ignored. Interactive quizzes can be improvised to enable it grab attention of an audience. Question: Is the audience fully informed about the presentation? Answer: The quiz is the only source of grabbing their attention and answering the unravelled question marks. This is an important part of effective communication because the audience gets to be fully updated of the resourceful information via general involvement. Barrier to This A barrier to this type of communication is inert forms of meetings that do not involve much audience interaction. Overcoming this Barrier An autonomous or rather random forms of involving the audience in test and trial questions will always ensure that concentration has been captured from the start of the conference. The audience will also feel highly favoured for being given a chance to ask and respond to questions. Techniques for Engaging Audience The common ways of involving the audience besides questions and answers are seminars, note-taking, weekly reports, newsletters and introductive entertainment. These would strengthen the outcome of the audience plus motivate the individuals to chain magnetize others in joining too. Effective personalized introductive entertainment is a technique for engaging the audience. Barrier to This A barrier would be lack of audio devices that support interactive techniques, lack of proper location and appropriate accommodation to cater for a vast amount of audience. Overcoming this Barrier The answer would be to try as much as possible to ensure that an organization force-feeds its financial department into providing the right location, proper accommodation and audience engagement mechanisms. Interpersonal skills Techniques and Cues The urgent need for accomplishment in tasks that involve different targets require diverse submissive techniques. This also applies to sensitive counter-interactive tasks that exemplify human input in order for the same accomplishment. The cues applied by human input on computers for communication are American symbol writing or smileys that mimic Short Messaging (SMS) language on mobile phones. SMS on paper has become a common infection or rather writing habit by so many people. Barrier to This A barrier to this one is extreme use of electronic devices on the market that support non-improvised writing. Overcoming this Barrier The way to overcome this type of writing would be trying to avoid robotised short typing, have enough time for writing easily readable and mature writing. Positive and Negative Language Instant Nos and YES’s paraphrased in meagre, instant communicative technology has become an infrastructure of the interpersonal skills. Some entrepreneurs love applying these sort of technology in seminars especially when they communicative across tables whilst in a seminar or conference. These can also be utilised by individuals with language communication difficulties or basically hearing problems. The languages come in forms of head nods signifying YES or NO, hand-waves signifying YES or NO, finger-rolling signifying DENIAL,ATTENTION or TENSION, direct face avoidance signifying FRUSTRATION or SHAME, cloak over face signifying SENSITIVITY, FEAR or LACK. And many others that are being performed. Barrier to This A barrier to this one is extreme use of gestures, inevitable circumstances such as disabilities. Overcoming this Barrier The way to overcome this would be to try as much as possible to learn the second partys moral spectrums and forms of communication. ‘Smileys’ or Emoticons Sensitive forms of communication can be exchanged between individuals at some point but via explicit symbolism language known as emoticons. This is a strictly prohibited form of communication that might follow a wrong path and smudge official documentation. Barrier to this Use of personal cell phones at workplaces especially official environment where these devices are totally prohibited. Overcoming this barrier Sentimental steps must be taken by the HOD’s to ensure that the employees leave the devices out of the office environment. Written Communication Skills Spelling and Grammar It is important for one to be skilful in his or her own writing especially in spelling and grammar. Your instructive form of writing should be smart enough to portray an employee that communicates well inside and outside the place of work. One is expected to be handling documents that will require professional writing that will require further grammatical emphasis besides the edification mode. One is expected to demonstrate extreme ability to use proper grammar in speaking and writing. One will be expected to communicate with clients via official paperwork and this will greatly demand a high qualification of spelling and grammar level. Barrier to This A barrier to this one is lack of intensified professional official language training. Overcoming this Barrier The way to overcome is have extensive training in a particular official language that is required in the working environment. Structure Ones composition should be professionally designed such a way that it is architecture in paragraphs, footers, headers, contains necessary references and accompanying hyperlinks if available. It is vital for the writer to act as the reader himself and make his writing as presentable and easily understandable as possible. A great writing is one that is attractive to the eyes of the reader and does not â€Å"dim† him out. Barrier to This A barrier to this one is mismanagement of writing infrastructure without the use of proper interdivisional architecture. Overcoming this Barrier The way to overcome this would be to utilise readily available formatting tools within typing programmes. Reviewing and Editing It is important for every person to review his or her work before finalizing it so as to clarify unforeseen mistakes encountered along the way whilst typing. This is deeply important in a working environment especially in the Web Designing working environment because what is being typed without further clarification might end up in the eyes of the public in error. Barrier to This Barrier to this one is human ignorance on readily available devices that provide proper reviewing. Overcoming this Barrier A way to overcome this would be assigning specially assigned task reviewers in a job environment whose work is to ensure that nothing goes unattended like reviewing and editing. Mechanisms That Can Reduce Communication Barriers Grammar, Language Spelling use Ensure that correct official language construction is maintained in your writing in order to create a diverse understanding. Avoid pigeon or rather chat session like communicative language that comes in only shortened words. Poor grammar and spelling in writing discredits the writer plus it paints a bad moral aspect. Note-taking Plays a very vital role in ensuring that individuals thirsty for further research on a particular discussed matter after noting them down. Information is noted down for future references in case of emergencies. Lack of Abusive Language Abuse is one of the greatest destroyer after fire damage in communication. Politeness and quite approach towards fellow peers is a highly valued attribute. Constant Device Misuse In this familiar unit, regular use of personal devices in working areas or rather environments is a great havoc. This causes a great barrier and in order to eliminate, one must apply totally switch off this device. If this does not work at all, then the involved disturbed parties must move to a secluded, quite area away from noise and disturbance. Noise and Disturbance For a peaceful working environment, away from excessive noise and disturbance that is hard to avoid. The management is determined to ensure that noise reduction amplifiers are utilised. And that all personal devices are kept on silent mode. References: SMILEY Accessed 21 December 2014 ENGAGE AUDIENCE Accessed 21 December 2014 TECHNIQUES AND CUES Accessed 21 December 2014 STRUCTURE Accessed 21 December 2014 REVIEWING Accessed 21 December 2014 John Lenny WamagataID: 14081308 Literary Forms: Differences and Similarities Literary Forms: Differences and Similarities In order to properly compare and contrast the major differences between literary forms, we must first look at their similarities. The drama, poetry, and short story are all creative works of art. They all use tone, symbolism, imaginative language, satire, and, irony to captivate their audiences attention and bring their individual creative work to life. In addition, drama and the short story all have a protagonist, antagonists, minor character, stock character, the foil, foreshadowing, and dramatic irony in one way or another within their stories. Still, we can clearly see that each literary form approaches their audience in different ways. The major element of drama that distinguishes it from the short story and poetry is its ability to draw you into imaginary experiences by its intensity and visual performance. This is evident in the dramatic play Riders to the Sea (Synge). This is a play that is considered a tragedy. It depicts a woman who has lost all the male members in her household. It shows her struggle with the sea and her last living son Bartley. We are exposed to the dramatic irony of the play. In line 225-229, we finally find out that she saw her son Bentley riding the red mare and her dead son Michael riding on the grey pony wearing new clothes and shoes. This symbolizes that Bentley is soon to die from the sea as well. The ironic part is that she had no knowledge of the bundle of Michaels clothing that the girls had kept from here. Therefore, she was not aware that the priest found a drowned man in Donegal that turned out to be her son Michael. This could also be considered a short story if it did not use the play writers narratives and used descriptive language instead. Moreover, in a short story we are forced to use our imagination to decipher the symbolic meanings of the writer. Thus, we are not able to visually experience the characters and atmosphere. We must read or listen to this type of literary form and use the writers imaginative language to fully experience the intended outcome of the author. For example, Kate Chopin used symbols in her short story called The Story of an Hour. She used symbolism throughout the entire story to describe Mrs. Mallards true feelings towards her husband. In paragraph four, Kate has her slumping and sighing into a chair, using symbolism it appeared as though she was actually distraught over her husbands death. However, in reality she is so happy that her farce of a marriage is over and done with. Then we see in paragraph six that the world becomes brighter, new and fresh. However, the writer Kate Chopin was symbolically painting a picture of her being freed from the constraints of a loveless marriage. This short story could be considered a tragedy because of the protagonists feelings towards her husband and her dramatic and untimely demise. However, when we read a poem we look more to the authors expressionism, creativity, rhythm, and tone. A poem is emotional and musical. The rhyming of each stanza in a poem assists me in the reading and comprehension of the authors meaning in his or her literary work. For example, William Wordsworth poem She dwelt among the untrodden ways used romanticism, tone, symbolism, and rhythm to covey his feelings of his love for Lucy. By rhyming a poem it allows the reader to imagine it as a romantic musical lullaby. Moreover, when it is performed, you can mentally picture the musical rhythm in your head. Also; the performance assists the listener to visualize the symbols as the reader speaks them. We can feel how much he treasured Lucy by what he wrote in line five. He believes she is a rare treasure that is hidden by a mossy stone or if you will, a beautiful violet that is not easily seen. This sort of poetic symbolism brings the authors creative work to life and creates an ambiance of visu alization to the literary work. In order to properly compare and contrast the major differences between literary forms, we must first look at their similarities. The drama, poetry, and short story are all creative works of art. They all use tone, symbolism, imaginative language, satire, and, irony to captivate their audiences attention and bring their individual creative work to life. The major element of drama that distinguishes it from the short story and poetry is its ability to draw you into imaginary experiences by its intensity and visual performance. Moreover, in a short story we are forced to use our imagination to decipher the symbolic meanings of the writer. Thus, we are not able to visually experience the characters and atmosphere. However, when we read a poem we look more to the authors expressionism, creativity, rhythm, and tone. Thus, we can conclude that each writer approaches their intended audience in different ways by the form of literature that they choose to adopt for their literary works.